Our camping excursion to the Highlands National Park on Cape Breton island offered a wide diversity of environments to explore. Lots of terrain had poor, thin soils and supported acidic "barrens", covered in heaths and moss.
The few black spruces are probably over 100 years old, and though barely 10 feet tall are covered in Usnea.

Heath groundcover

Reindeer moss

In places where the barrens got more soggy, fens developed and more specialized plants thrived, like this Sundew (Drosera intermedia, the spoonleaf sundew).

Pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea)

Dragon's mouth (Arethusa) orchid

Labrador tea (Ledum palustre)

Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata) a.k.a. Buckbean

Local Larch (Larix)

Out by the coast, we find familiar friends.

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

A Campanula (C. rotundifolia, perhaps)

Your pictures are absolutely amazing! (understatement) Do you use a digital camera (if you don't mind me asking) what type is it.....unbelievable! Nice blog, great info!
Thanks Angie! I use a small Fuji Finepix Z1 digital camera. I like it a lot because it's pocket size but has a lot of manual control options, allowing me to adjust exposure, focus, etc... as I see fit. Oh, and it has a macro setting, which is a must for anyone with botanical inclinations. Thanks to digital, I can take LOTS of pictures and then just keep the best.
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